Jakarta – the capital of Indonesia is bustling and chaotic city and known as cultural, economic and political centre of the country. Located in the northwest of Java Island, city...read more »
Indonesia is the country in the Southeast Asia bordering East Timor, Malaysia and Papua New Guinea. The country consists of more than a hundred ethnic groups and linguistic groups. This...read more »
The state of Gujarat bordering Pakistan to its west is one of the most industrialized states in India. This is the birthplace of the great Indian freedom fighter Mahatma Gandhi...read more »
The lightening capital of the World, Johannesburg in the country of South Africa, is the biggest inland city famous for its gold-mining heritage, nature reserves, wild life and night life....read more »
Durban is the third largest city of South Africa and famous for its pristine Beaches. This city is also seen as a major source of tourism because of the cities...read more »